Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wishful Wednesday: Skipper style

Hi again!

Since it’s really Wishful Wednesday and not Try-it Tuesday, I have to post something that isn’t always in a prepsters budget! And, since I just told you guys that I am a sucker for anything with seahorses, let me show you what I wish for!

This is a Skipper Bag! I found this company maybe a year ago and I absolutely love their bags! They are huge; perfect or any beach or boating occasion! For my birthday (which is Tuesday May 15th I might add) I am asking for one! 

These bags come in a variety of color combinations and with all different nautical emblems you can choose from. They have whales, anchors, mermaids, starfish and many more! They also make a smaller version of the bag and even nautical pillows! 

All of the Skipper products are simple, summery and super preppy! However, they are a little pricey, but as I always say, a prepster can always dream, after all it is Wishful Wednesday!

What do you think?

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

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