Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wishful Wednesday:For those of us heading to work, not the beach!

Hi ya!

As you know, today is Wishful Wednesday and although I've been harping on the summer fun theme, lets face it, many of us, myself included, won't be spending every waking hour at the beach or by the pool sipping cocktails; instead, we will be at work or doing internship assignments. So, I figured this Wednesday should be devoted to those of us who work hard all year round and who don't necessarily get to enjoy the beach everyday. 

While browsing the web, I found this website called Invite.L. They have all kinds of accessories, stationary and other office necessities. What really bought my eye was the Seven Dials brand and in particular their colorful pencil pouches.

These pencil pouches are colorful, small enough to put into your purse, and are a great way to add style to your work environment. Pencil pouches are $35 which yes, is expensive for a pencil pouch by don't forget, it's Wishful Wednesday! Plus, they are made of leather so they are sure to outlast the downfall of the price!

Seven Dials also makes other products like credit card cases as well as iPad covers. 

So, if the beach isn't the first place on your summer agenda because work or internships are in the way, treat yourself and spice up your work style with these Seven Dials products. 

Tell me what you think!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Try-it Tuesday: Croakie style!

Hey prepsters!

It's Try-it Tuesday again, and this time I am actually posting on the appropriate day! Anyway, since I am working at Vineyard Vines, I thought I would recommend a few inexpensive, and simple items to try from the store on this Try-it Tuesday!

For those of you who live on the water or are into water sports like my family is, keeping sunglasses intact can be a problem. The wind seems to have better plans for my shades, tearing them from my face and typically into the water. However, this problem is now solved thanks to my recent investment in a Vineyard Vine Croakie!

These Croakies come in all different colors from hot pink to the classic Vineyard Vine navy! There is a color for everyone! These Croakies are a great way to keep your shades from falling off and are even better if you're the type of person that takes your sunglasses off and loses them every 5 minutes! Now, you can take your sunglasses off and leave them around your neck. How convenient!

Also, try out a beer Koozie from VV! They come in many of the same colors as the Croakies so they will complement each other perfectly! This cute patchwork pattern just came in! Needless to say, I already invested!

Lilly Pulitzer also makes adorable sunglass straps that brighten up any outfit! The fun Lilly patterns we all know and love can be worn around your neck to not only be fashionable, but to also keep you shades in place.

With summer right around the corer, I highly recommend trying either a Vineyard Vine croakie or a Lilly sunglass strap. Trust me, they're selling like hot cakes at VV so go try one now!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

Monday, May 21, 2012

The first Monday of summer still needs motivation!

Hi again!

Well, it’s Monday, the first Monday of summer break! Unfortunately, it has to be raining, at least by me! What to do on a rainy day other than catch up on my DVR shows and perhaps get my nails done? But that requires me to go out in the rain so then again, perhaps not. Haha!

Since the weather isn’t very pleasant and even though it is summer break, it is still Monday, so I’m sure today a little motivation is still needed!

During the summer there is nothing like the sound of Kenny Chesney to get you in the spirit of summer! He sings about the beach, tropical escapes, friends, drinks and great summer nights!

This motivational Monday I’m going to share a little bit of Kenny Chesney’s sweet summer sound with you! Enjoy Reality!

Me and Chris already enjoying the beach!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

Where-to Birthday Weekend!

Hi friends!

This past weekend was another good one!
Friday night I went on a little date night with my best friend Chris. We went out for sushi and saw What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I have to say it was pretty funny! Definitely a chick flick though! Chris and I always to make room for date night at least once a month where we can spend time alone without anyone budding in on conversation or distracting us with other gossip! So, needless to say, date night with Chris was much needed and as always, a great time!

Me and Chris on my birthday!

Saturday, I had work at VV until 7. It was a good day at work because I made the largest sale of the day! Nothing like the rookie sales associate showing them who is boss!! Haha! There is the competitive side in me!

After work, I had about 15 of my friends over for margaritas to help celebrate my birthday! We had a fun night outside, enjoying the warm weather of the almost summer night!
Sunday, the weather was gorgeous so I spent the day outside with my family gardening and relaxing in the sun!

 Sunday night I spend creating a summer bucket list with Chris. We want to make the most of this summer and enjoy the activities that are around us and that are often taken for granted. First up on the list, the aquarium on Friday! Yes, I know that is so little kid of us, but who cares, its all about having fun!
Summer is your opportunity to do and try new things or things that you have always wanted to do! Enjoy the free time, the warm weather and the friends, family and love that is around you!

Have you guys made a summer bucket list yet?
If not, get crackin’!!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

This is the danger that Chris and I sometimes run into when we try to make the most of certain experiences, namely shopping!! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all shoved into Faux Friday

I am so sorry!

You all must think I am the most inconsistent blogger, which is partially true. I have excuses though! 

Tuesday was MY BIRTHDAY!! Needless to say, I was a little distracted with the festivities! Unfortunately Tuesday I had three finals which really put a damper on my day however, my day quickly turned around when my best friend Chris, took me to get a wonderful spa pedicure and manicure! On top of that, my other best friend Sam who lives about 2 hours away showed up at my house to surprise me on my special day! I was absolutely shocked! I had no idea! Usually my family and friends are terrible at hiding surprises! My sister and Chris worked really hard to keep it a surprise and I love them for that! After dinner with my family, we enjoyed a few margaritas with a couple more of my friends and then had a giant sleep over in my basement! Nothing like a good old fashion sleep over with your best friends! 

Wednesday, Sam was still around so Chris and I went and did a few things with her before she had to leave. It was so nice to be able to spend time with two of my best friends!

Thursday, I spent studying, preparing for my last final of the semester! After I took my exam, which I hopefully did well on, I went over to my co-worker, Kate's house, where she hosted a classy dessert and wine party for the Vineyard Vines family! We had a bunch of laughs and delicious treats! They have all made me feel so welcome at my new job and have become great friends!

Today, since the weather is gorgeous, Chris and I decided to head to the beach for some lunch and relaxation. This morning we had facials at a new spa in the area which were well deserved after a difficult semester. 
On a practical prepster side note, the facials were purchased off a website called Groupon. For those of you who don't know about this website, companies post deals and promotions for their products and services at a fraction of the original price. You can buy Groupon deals for vacations, clothes, tech gadgets, dinner outings, outdoor adventures, hair care and a variety of beauty treatments. As a practical prepster, I highly recommend checking the website out and seeing what deals are in your area! I bought my hour long organic facial this morning for only $25. The retail price of the facial is $75 but with the Groupon offer, I got it for less than half of the price. I would say that's a steal! 

Anyway, after our facials we continued on the relaxation trend and headed to the beach for the afternoon. Tonight, Chris and I are going out with some friends for a sushi dinner and to see the new movie What to Expect When You're Expecting. It looks like a funny one!

Now, back to more relevant blogging matters. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday came and went so let me try and catch up.

Try-it Tuesday!

Frozen Mango Margarita RecipeIngredients
  • 1 (10-ounce) bag frozen diced mango
  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
  • 2/3 cup tequila (preferably silver, 80 proof)
  • 2 tablespoons Cointreau or other orange liqueur
  • 2 tablespoons superfine sugar
  • 2 cups ice water

Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
Per Serving: Calories 180; Total Fat 0 g; (Sat Fat 0 g, Mono Fat 0 g, Poly Fat 0 g) ; Protein 0.5g; Carb 21 g; Fiber 1.5g; Cholesterol 0 mg; Sodium 0.5mg
This light, and relatively healthy margarita recipe is perfect to serve at a summer party. The seasonal mango adds a flare to an ordinary margarita and will surely spice up any gathering! Definitely check this recipe out, they are delish! The best part, you don't feel guilty for drinking them because they're only 180 calories!

Wishful Wednesday
For those of you who don't know what Pandora is, Pandora is a jewelry company that makes charm bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, watches and other speciality items. Pandora has become popular for their intricate charms for different seasons, holidays, occasions or just for any ordinary day! What many people don't know about is their selection of beautiful rings! For my birthday my cousins bought my this gorgeous turquoise ring from Pandora that is absolutely perfect for any summer outfit. 
I have a few rings from Pandora and they are a great accessory to any outfit. I always get tons of compliments on them especially when I stack different styles together. The best part about Pandora is that many of their items don't need to be thought of as wishful because many are fairly reasonably priced. Some are only $30!
Definitely check out Pandora if you're looking to spruce up your jewelry collection are aren't looking to spend a fortune!

Thrifty Thursday
I think I have mentioned this before but in case not, I love the store Old Navy. They have classic essentials for any wardrobe at an affordable price. While I was on their website the other day I found a bunch of cute summer additions but this one really stood out.
I have actually seen these shorts advertised in magazines saying that these are the must have summer shorts. They are nautical, preppy and fortunately, affordable! They're only $20 and today, Old Navy is having a sale for an additional 25% off! You could get these shorts for next to nothing! If you're like me, you're already building your summer wardrobe so why not add these?

Finally, Faux Friday

Tory Burch, one of my all time favorite designers, always makes the cutest flip flops. However, they aren't always within my budget. When I was on eBay hunting for a few things, I came across these flip flops.

Would you believe they are fake and only $20? These merely identical flip flops would fool anyone! Go to eBay and type in fake Tory Burch flip flops and there are several options that show up! There are all different patterns in tons of sizes! Take a look and see which faux flop you like best!

Okay, well I know those posts were brief I felt obligated to catch up! Anyway, I am officially on summer break so I must go get ready for tonight's festivities! Have a great weekend! Be safe! 

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

Monday, May 14, 2012

Motivation from Jason!

Hi again!

Well, Monday is here and that means finals week is upon us! Tomorrow I have three finals and to top it all off, TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY! What a way to spend my birthday right? Oh well, not going to let finals get in the way of having a nice birthday!

If you’re about to face finals week you’re like me and could definitely use some motivating and up lifting words.

I love the country singer Jason Aldean. In fact, my best friend Chris, my sister Jane and I are taking a road tip to CT to go to the Jason Aldean concert. So many of his songs are up lifting and about enjoying every moment of life. I thought I would share some with you!

Life is short
Lets go live it
Ain’t no time for wasting time
Days like these they go by way to fast
Yeah, days like these you wanna make them last
“Days Like These” -Jason Aldean

During this hectic finals week remember that it’s just one week and then it will be over. So, don’t stress too much. Try your best and remember summer is almost here!!

Good luck!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

Where-to on Mom's Weekend

Hi folks!

How was your weekend? My weekend was pretty good! Saturday I had work all day,which was crazy because the outlet where I work was having a fashion show so the stores were bustling with people. I’m so mad because Vanessa Lachey (aka Vanessa Minnillo) was hosting the show and her hubby Nick Lachey was there and I didn’t get to see either of them! Major bummer!

Anyway, Saturday night I had a lot of fun with some great friends. I met one of my new friends from work at a local bar and we hung out there for a while. Later, some of my other friends joined! It was a fun night spent with some of the people that mean the most to me!

Sunday was absolutely gorgeous and a perfect day to celebrate mothers! We had a BBQ at my house with my dad’s family. Spending time with my family was a wonderful way to end an exciting and eventful weekend before the stress of finals begins Monday!

How did you guys celebrate Mother’s Day?

Ta-ta for now!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster
Me, my mom and sister a year ago apple picking!

My family a year ago at my sisters Sweet 16!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A faux Friday find at a thrifty Thursday price!

Hi friends!

At this point are you surprised my posts are delayed? So sorry, I promise after next week I will be on top of them again. Anyway, yesterday was Thrifty Thursday and today is Faux Friday. Since I am behind and don’t have that much time to blog tonight, I am going to combine the two days.

As you guys know, I am now working at Vineyard Vines! The store location is in an outlet mall and on my breaks I can’t help but wander into the other outlets and pick up some good deals. I went into Bass Shoe Outlet and let me tell you, they were having quite the sale! Many of their boat shoes for both men and women were 2 for $59! Their boat shoes look almost identical to the Sperry boat shoes, except the Bass ones are half the price!

Now this picture is the actual Sperry boat shoe but just so you have an idea of the Bass shoe I bought, this is it!

I have a pair of gold Sperry’s but as those of you who own Sperry’s know, they tend to stink after one season! So, I boat another pair from Bass. Honestly, I have gotten more complements on my Bass shoes then my Sperry’s! I also bought a pair of navy blue boat shoes that have paten leather and navy sear sucker accents. I figured these shoes would be perfect for work since they are so comfortable and I am on my feet for most of the day.

Who can beat a faux Friday find at a thrifty Thursday price? Definitely go check out the sale for your self!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

PS-since the Bass store that I bought my shoes from is an outlet I don’t have pictures to show you. Once I take pictures of them myself, I’ll be sure to post them!