Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wishful Wednesdays!

Hi there!

With the summer season on its way, its time to whip out the warm weather clothes! For many of us, bringing out the summer wardrobe means adding some new preppy classics to our closets! Some of the preppiest clothes and accessories that you could add are also some of the most expensive items. Although there are many practical, preppy substitutes out there, sometimes it’s nice to admire the lavish options. So, lets start this Wishful Wednesday gawking at Jack Rogers sandals!

These simple, yet colorful sandals are a great addition to a wardrobe if you’re working with a large budget! They are excellent accents to a summer BBQ outfit or with any sundress! The good news is is that a few designers have recently designed sandals almost identical to Jack Rogers but at a cheaper price! What practical prepster wouldn’t love that? Stay tuned for where you can get these practical alternatives!!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

PS-If you do decide to treat yourself to the real deal, offers free shipping and they ship extremely quickly! 

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