Monday, April 23, 2012

Where-to Weekend!

Hey there prepsters!

I hope everyone had a nice relaxing weekend!
 This weekend I was pretty busy running around preparing for the end of the semester and for some upcoming events that I have to attend. Friday night, I spent some quality time with my mom, shopping and enjoying a nice dinner at a local bar in town. Saturday I spent most of the day studying and catching up on school work, which is never fun. I can't wait for the semester to be over so I can enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having without the stress of school work! Saturday night I went out for a friend's birthday which was fun, catching up with friends that I haven't seen in a while. Nothing like spending the weekend with friends and family! 
What did you guys spend the weekend doing? Anything exciting?

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

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