Thursday, April 19, 2012

A few essentials for your reincarnated life as a Practical Prepster!

Before I begin this blogging journey, there are a few things that I think every prepster should own, starting with True Prep: It’s a Whole New Old World, by Lisa Birnbach and Chip Kidd. This classic handbook epitomizes what it is to be a prepster in contemporary society, applying preppiness to the economy, entertaining, dress, and so much more! True Prep recaps the evolution of the prepster lifestyle, proving that no matter the generation, occasion or time period, prep is a style that never fades!

Another prepster staple is Essentially Lilly: a Guide to Colorful Entertaining, by Lilly Pulitzer and Jay Mulvaney. This book is a vibrant guide to entertaining for all different sorts of occasions from Mother’s Day to the Kentucky Derby! Essentially Lilly provides decorating tips and delicious recipes that are sure to be a hit, while still capturing the timelessness of Lilly!

Last, but most certainly not least, is the Tiffany's Table Manners for Teenagers by Walter Hoving. Although most of us are not teens, this guide, is short, sweet and to the point and can help solve our etiquette dilemmas at any age. So for those of you who are overwhelmed by the seemingly endless amounts of silverware surrounding your plate, this guide is a must have! 

**Prepster’s Practical Price Alert** sells True Prep: It’s a Whole New Old World for only $7, Essentially Lilly: a Guide to Colorful Entertaining for $9 and Tiffany's Table Manners for Teenagers for $6!! Also, another tip for you fellow college students, sign up for Amazon Prime and many items will have free shipping!! Happy shopping!!

Preppily yours, 
The Practical Prepster 

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