Sunday, April 29, 2012

Faux Friday!...a little delayed

Hey all!

Sorry for the delayed faux Friday! Things got a little crazy around here! Anyway, as promised I would tell you where to buy Jack Rogers “look-a-likes”. So, I figured what better faux Friday find than to tell you where to buy these great faux sandals! I have two purchase options for you; one of which is much more practical especially for a practical prepster, the other, not so much so, but still a great option.

The first option:

Mila Paoli Sandals

The sandals I’m referring to are the tan ones with the white stitching. These sandals come in a variety of colors, including green, white, pink, gold and many more. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find many pictures of them because they are sometimes hard to find in stores. However, I have seen them recently in Marshalls and TJ Maxx (if you have those stores by you) which sell the sandals for only $30! Isn’t that a great deal?! By the way, through my addiction to eBay, I have found that eBay will occasionally have Mila Paoli sandals for sale; so keep a look out!

The next, much more pricier option:


For as adorable as these sandals are, the price can be a deterrent. What’s great about these colorful finds, is that you can monogram them! What prepster doesn’t love anything monogrammed? I will admit, that these are a better replication of Jack Rogers products than Mila Paoli but that’s because you’re paying a higher price (about $95-$100). However, the Mila Paoli find, although not the best replication, is a great option that can fit in a more affordable budget that will surely brighten any prepster’s outfit!

Have you seen any Jack Rogers “look-a-likes”?

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

1 comment:

  1. I'm aware that this is a really old post, but the palm beach/Stephen Bonanno sandals are actually the real jack rogers, the ones that Jackie Kennedy was first wearing, and the only ones that Lilly Pulitzer and her girls wore, Jack Rogers actually ripped off this design and since they weren't trademarked, succeeded. Jacks are actually lower in quality than the palm beach sandals, but the company is now defunct so they are unavailable for purchase any longer. Sorry, just thought I would share the little bit of information I had with someone else!
