Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Picture blog of the wedding!

Hi again!

They say pictures speak 1,000 words right? Well here is about 13,000 words for ya (plus some of my commentary)! 

For the full effect, play Terry and Kerri's wedding song as you go through the pictures.

Here is my sister and I before the ceremony, which was held outside in a beautiful garden. 

Here is the beautiful bride, my new Aunt Kerri, walking down the isle with her dad.

My Aunt and Uncle exchanging vows!

This is a high up view of where the cocktail hour was held. It was outside by this beautiful pool where there were fire pits, beaches, covered lounges, tons of food stations and tons of cocktails!

My Uncle Ed, Aunt Christine and me during the cocktail hour, and yes, we had a few cocktails in us at this point! (Uncle Ed's face gives it away)!

Here is some of my family! My Aunt Christine, (new) Aunt Kerri, Uncle Terry, my mom and me!

My sister and I by the pool during cocktail hour! See that pool behind us, yeah thats the same pool that the bride and groom jumped into at the end of the night! Kerri was still in her gown when she took a dip! They're nuts!!

The first dance!

All of the food was delish!

Cake! Yum yum!

Cutting their beautiful cake!

The gorgeous center piece!

Aunt Kerri, my sister, Uncle Terry and me!

Me and my entire family had a wonderful time at the wedding. Every aspect of the wedding was beautifully done and will definitely be a night that the bride and groom won't forget! Best of wishes and lots of love to my Aunt Kerri and Uncle Terry as they embark on journey through married life together!

Preppily yours, 
The Practical Prepster