Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weekend Where-Abouts...a little early!

Hey there!

I know the weekend is only half over but I wanted to update you guys on what I've spent my weekend doing so far. Don't get that excited, it's nothing crazy! Yesterday was kind of a sad day because I had to say goodbye to Chris. Chris and I are pretty much attached at the hip 24/7. Usually, my mom sets the dinner table for 5, anticipating Chris is joining us for dinner, as he does most nights! Anyway, Chris shuffled off to school early this morning. Luckily I had work today to keep my mind off his absence. Hopefully I will be visiting him in 2 weeks to go see the Jason Aldean concert with him! 

The good part of yesterday was having my mom's family over to celebrate her brother's (my Uncle Ed) birthday! We had my Nanny, my Aunt Claudia and my Uncle Ed over for a birthday BBQ and cake! It was a nice evening spent with family and delicious food. Although the main course was rather tasty, what really made my mouth water was the dessert, particularly the macarons from Macaron Cafe that my Aunt brought home from the city. Take a look at some of the pictures!

Here is my sister Jane, my Uncle Ed and Me. Uncle Ed was pretending that he was still blowing out the candles. I guess it would have helped if the candles were actually lit! lol

A glass of wine always calms family gatherings!

I felt to dainty eating these delicate macarons. We had unique flavors like rose, salty caramel and mocha. We also had vanilla, strawberry and lemon! They were all delicious! 

Check out the other macaron flavors from Macaron Cafe.

Here are a few other picture updates I've been meaning to post!

 Here is me and Chris on our road trip to DC to drop off his school necessities to his apartment.

This is what happens when a 4.5 hour car ride turns into a 6.5 hour car ride. What else would you do in traffic other than paint nails? And yes, that is me painting Chris's nails!

Me and Chris before heading to a party while we were at my house upstate!

 Here is me and the guy who has recently entered my life sitting on the dock at the lake by my house upstate! Chris took this candid shot of us!

Wanna see more of my pictures? 
Follow me on instagram! @evonglahn 

Well, thats all folks (at least for today)! Tomorrow I have to be at work in the morning. It has been crazy at the store since everyone is busy getting all of their back-to-school clothes! 

I hope you guys are enjoying your weekend so far! 
Any fun plans? Share them with us! 

Preppily yours, 
The Practical Prepster

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