Friday, August 24, 2012

A note to my dearest preps,

My dearest preps,

Last night I hosted the final girls night of the summer with some of my best girlfriends, and my best friend Chris of course! We had appetizers, drinks, laughs and then a midnight indulgence of chinese take-out! Sitting around the table last night I realized how summer has flown by. Although I am sad to see the sun set earlier and earlier, I am excited to begin the new school year. While I have a bunch of visits planned to see friends at school, it never gets easier saying goodbye at the end of summer.

During the school year I like to keep in close touch with my friends. With the endless means of communication out there sometimes it's nice to sit down and write a hand written letter. Plus, who doesn't love opening their mailbox and seeing something addressed to them! As much as I love texting, talking on the phone, skype, twitter, Facebook...the list goes on...there is something much more intimate about a hand written note. But of course a prepster has to be writing on appropriate card stock! Cards are an expression of your personality and your emotions toward the person you're writing to; so it's important to pick your stationary appropriately. I have found several preppy stationary items that I send out to all of my friends when technology just doesn't cut it. Take a look:

They have the cutest designs for all different seasons and occasions. The designs are simple but are enough to show your personality! 

 I have a bunch of the flat note cards with designs from several of the collections. These note cards are a great choice to send a hand written note on! 

This is the bag collection, just one of the many collections to choose from!

This is the nautical collection, another collection to choose from, perfect for summer!

Note cards aren't the only thing PreppyCards makes! They make invitations, return labels, letter heads, calling cards, bookplate labels, seating cards, and much more!

Sarah Pinto is another great place to get note cards from! This is a cheaper alternative, but  by no means lesser of an option!
These preppy postcards are perfect for sending a "just thinking of you" note on! You an personalize these as well which adds an extra expression of yourself! 

Sarah Pinto also makes planners and notebooks in many of the same, fun and preppy designs! If you like the postcards in a particular design, why not make that your signature pattern and purchase some other stationary in it!

Definitely check out these personalized note cards if you're looking for a more intimate means of communication! 

Do you guys ever hand write notes to your friends? If so, what stationary do you use? 
Share your preppy paper choice with us!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

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