Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm back!!!!

Well, I’m back.

 I don’t know what excuse I have for my lack to commitment other than I have been extremely busy with work (for those of you who have forgotten, at Vineyard Vines) and with my internship at UBS Financial. Let’s put that aside and start fresh.
I want to continue to help you prepsters expand the practicality of your preppy horizons. However, I don’t necessarily want to stick to the weekly regiment I had us on before. Instead, I am going to blog about whatever I feel is necessary for us prepsters to know and not necessarily relevant to an assigned theme. As long as I still have some faithful followers, I will continue to blog and to share my practical finds with you!

Just a few updates since it  has been a while:

Like I mentioned earlier, work has pretty much consumed my life. However, I absolutely love working at Vineyard Vines! My co-workers are now some of my closets friends!  Here is a picture of me and a few of my co-worker out on the town!!
Here we all are!

Me and the lovely Vineyard ladies at a co-workers party!

Just goofing off at work! This picture made it to the Vineyard Vines blog!

 Who doesn't love a Vineyard Vines tie? I know I do!

 I had a blacklight/neon themed party at my house a few weeks ago and all of my co-workers came! We had a blast! Check out the adorable Vineyard Vines inspired cupcakes that a woman whose children I babysit for made for the party!
How cute are these?!

Take a look at her blog as well!

Another update, I went on a little weekend getaway with my sister and best friend Chris. We took a road trip to my house upstate for some outdoor fun! We gallivanted the countryside and enjoyed the fresh, open air.
Me and Chris up at the lake by my house!

Me and Chris being chauffeured around by my sister! 
Here, we were heading to a motocross event!

 The beautiful country sunset!

Last week my Aunt, Uncle and cousin Kenny were in from Kentucky for their annual summer vacation. Kenny turned 21 while he was here so we had a huge bash for him at my house. The theme was boobs and beer (perhaps not the classiest theme, especially for a prepster) but no one said we can’t cut loose every now and then! The same lady who made my Vineyard Vines inspired cupcakes made these creative wonders as well!
These are the "boobs and beer" cupcakes! 

Me and the birthday boy!

More recently, I went to my future Aunt Kerri’s bridal shower which was definitely entertaining! We had a nice day spent with family.

Here is me, the bride-to-be and my sister, Jane!

Last night, my sister, best friend Chris and my other friend Kevin had the opportunity to go to the Mets-Dodgers game at the new Citi Field. We had seats right behind home plate!! As if that wasn’t good enough, the band Daughtry performed after the game! Despite the rain, it was a fun evening spent with great friends!
 Chris, Me and Kevin at the game!

A few other photo updates:

Me and Chris on the 4th of July, getting ready for the celebration!

Me and another friend Jamie getting ready to watch the fireworks!

These were the fireworks we had to set off! 
Incase you couldn't already tell, we had quite the display!

Well I suppose that vaguely but rapidly brings you guys up to date! Anyway, lets move on to the preppier things in life! Again, I apologize for falling off the face of the planet for a while! Hopefully you can forgive me!

So, here we go again! Yay!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

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