Monday, May 21, 2012

Where-to Birthday Weekend!

Hi friends!

This past weekend was another good one!
Friday night I went on a little date night with my best friend Chris. We went out for sushi and saw What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I have to say it was pretty funny! Definitely a chick flick though! Chris and I always to make room for date night at least once a month where we can spend time alone without anyone budding in on conversation or distracting us with other gossip! So, needless to say, date night with Chris was much needed and as always, a great time!

Me and Chris on my birthday!

Saturday, I had work at VV until 7. It was a good day at work because I made the largest sale of the day! Nothing like the rookie sales associate showing them who is boss!! Haha! There is the competitive side in me!

After work, I had about 15 of my friends over for margaritas to help celebrate my birthday! We had a fun night outside, enjoying the warm weather of the almost summer night!
Sunday, the weather was gorgeous so I spent the day outside with my family gardening and relaxing in the sun!

 Sunday night I spend creating a summer bucket list with Chris. We want to make the most of this summer and enjoy the activities that are around us and that are often taken for granted. First up on the list, the aquarium on Friday! Yes, I know that is so little kid of us, but who cares, its all about having fun!
Summer is your opportunity to do and try new things or things that you have always wanted to do! Enjoy the free time, the warm weather and the friends, family and love that is around you!

Have you guys made a summer bucket list yet?
If not, get crackin’!!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

This is the danger that Chris and I sometimes run into when we try to make the most of certain experiences, namely shopping!! 

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