Monday, May 14, 2012

Motivation from Jason!

Hi again!

Well, Monday is here and that means finals week is upon us! Tomorrow I have three finals and to top it all off, TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY! What a way to spend my birthday right? Oh well, not going to let finals get in the way of having a nice birthday!

If you’re about to face finals week you’re like me and could definitely use some motivating and up lifting words.

I love the country singer Jason Aldean. In fact, my best friend Chris, my sister Jane and I are taking a road tip to CT to go to the Jason Aldean concert. So many of his songs are up lifting and about enjoying every moment of life. I thought I would share some with you!

Life is short
Lets go live it
Ain’t no time for wasting time
Days like these they go by way to fast
Yeah, days like these you wanna make them last
“Days Like These” -Jason Aldean

During this hectic finals week remember that it’s just one week and then it will be over. So, don’t stress too much. Try your best and remember summer is almost here!!

Good luck!

Preppily yours,
The Practical Prepster

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